News — Symbol

Stride for Sustainability - Sunday 22nd September 2024

On Sunday 22nd September 2024 we held our first ‘Green’ fundraising event - Stride for Sustainability - in Mote Park. Service Users, Staff, Friends and Family from Supported Living, Short Breaks, Hopyard Day Services, Speech and Language Therapy and Head Office journeyed a 2.6 mile accessible course around the park to raise money for The Symbol Trust. 100% of monies raised from the event will fund Green and Sustainable Projects within Symbol’s services.

After completing the course, participants enjoyed a picnic and games, celebrating their achievement and also 26 years of Symbol. The event attracted the attention of the general public, who cheered on participants, as well as the local press.

The Hop, Stitch and Jumper kindly supported the event, displaying sustainable items from their Maidstone and Tenterden shops, as well as a popular tombola, on a stall adjacent to the course.

Hollingbourne Supported Living Houses were on holiday so were unable to join their friends on the day, however, supported the event and completed the distance instead in Great Yarmouth!

Chloe Deeble-Rogers, Director, said: ‘Thank you so much for everyone who attended and showed their support for Stride for Sustainability, it was a great event and one that we can grow and grow year on year’. 

Donations are still being collected, so please do keep bringing your completed sponsorship forms and funds to Head Office once finalised.


Online Booking Now Live: Tier 1 Specialist Development Programme for SALT working with people with Down syndrome

Since 2005, we have run a ‘specialist development programme for speech and language therapists working with people with Down syndrome’.

We have restructured our courses to offer online training, and to enable access to elements of the specialist development programme (Tier 1) without completing the full specialist development programme, which looks at research and interventions in more depth (Tier 2).

We are planning to run Tier 1 training in the Spring and Summer Terms 2021. Online sessions will run from 12 midday to 2.30 pm, costing £40 per session.

For full list of dates and to book on any of these sessions, please contact Barbara Flook:

Tier 2 training will commence in the Autumn Term 2021.



Welcome to the very early days of our new website.  A lot will be changing in the coming weeks and the final and exciting version will be launched in January 2018, along with our new 5-year strategy and a brand refresh to celebrate our 20th anniversary!  You will see lots of new content and a whole new look and feel. 

We have been so busy developing new services and improving what we do in recent years that we have not spent much time sharing it.  This is all about to change.  We are so excited by what we do, and want to shout a little about it.  Not only that, quite rightly many of those we work with want to share their stories of achievement.  Over the 20 years that Symbol has been in operation we have learnt one thing; that working in the right way with people delivers extraordinary results.  We have genuinely seen magic happen for all those involved.  But we know that to sustain the magic, we need new people joining us on our journey.  The website will be one way that we intend to reach out to those currently involved as well as to a new generation of travellers. 

In the meantime, this version is a small step in the right direction.  It has limited content at present so please call us if there is anything you want to know.  We would love to chat.
